Sunday, October 6, 2019

R:WCaGKaG - Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 : Village Chief Logan "Zephyrus" (Part 1)

I opened my eyes and I see a different ceiling. Did they move me to another room? Then I heard a voice of woman.

"Congratulation! Ma'am, it's a boy." Congratulation? I look at the woman who said that, I don't know her. She pass me to a woman lying in a bed.

Don't tell me I got reincarnated again? While wondering that the door blast open and a man entered the room and shouted.

"Where is my child?!" the middle woman pointed at me and said "It's a boy"

The man looked at me, fixed his posture and smile before saying to the woman holding me.

"It's a boy, Honey so, I will name him. Hehehehe" This guy is so freaking happy just by naming his son.

"Hmph! DO what you want" said the woman while pouting, although she said that I can clearly feel the happiness in her voice.

"Then your name is Logan, a very manly name. When you grow up you will become a knight that will fight demons to protect the normal citizen" Huh? Don't decide my future old man.

After that I blacked out again, when I opened my eyes, I am holding a wooden sword and in front of me is the man earlier. I was confused at first but, from what I see this is someone's memory because, there is no way that I will grow from a baby to a 3 year old boy.

His Dad's name is Kris Coleoptile, a middle aged man approximately 35-36 yrs old. His face have slight beard, over 180cm tall with a muscular build. His Mother's name Clara Coleoptile, a woman in her early 30's. Curly blonde hair that reach her shoulder, a beautiful face and slightly over 160 cm tall with slim body.

His Dad is a general while his Mother is a mage adventurer. Both of them met each other at the town they defended from monster outbreak 5 yrs ago. They both fell in love at each other at first sight and after a year they decided to get married. Clara decided to settle down at her hometown.

"Remember Logan, always think your sword as you lifetime partner. Sword will neither betray nor leave your side, it will always be by your side. What I mean by it will always be by side, It means that even if you are using a tree branch it can still become a lethal weapon"

"Really? I don't believe it" Logan says with a doubtful look. Yeah a sharpen tree branch can kill a person, don't doubt your old man Logan. I know that they can't hear me but, I still want to say my thoughts.

"Hahahahaha! It's okay to be doubtful so, I'm gonna let you see what I mean" The man let out a maniacal laugh before walking to a tree and snap one of its branch. Then looked at Logan and says in a serious tone.

"Watch closely Logan" Then his aura change from his normal cheerful to a very sharp that feels like can cut anything. He then raise the tree branch over his head and cut the tree in front of him. The tree was cut in half and Logan let out a surprise cry.

Even I am surprised but, not as much as Logan. Because I know this world has a Mana and from so many light novels I've read there are many character which can do that easily. I am surprised because I can see it in live action.

The man looked at his son's dumbfounded face and let out a maniacal laugh again. When Logan heard the man's laugh he woke up from his surprise and run toward his old man, and says excitedly.

"That's amazing Dad! Are you a sword saint just like the main character in the stories on books?!"

"Hahaha! No son I'm still far from being a sword saint. Sword Saint can cut that tree with just his aura" The man let out a maniacal laugh again, seriously what is wrong with this man always laughing like that?

"Really? Then what is your rank Dad, Sword Master or Grandmaster? Can I also become strong like you?"

"I'm still a Sword Master, Sword Grandmaster can cut that tree with barehands. Ofcourse you can become strong and even stronger than me" Really? this old man is already that strong but there's still far stronger than him. If I want to kill a God atleast I need to surpass a Sword Saint.

"Really? You are not lying? Then what should I do in order to become strong?"

"You need to train harder than anyone else. You have a talent for sword, the moment you held that wooden sword I can already feel the faint sword inside you. I am so sure that you will surpass me when you got into my age"
"Now enough with chat let's start the training"

Logan started his training and before noon he go to an orphanage to attend a class, after class at afternoon his mother teach him a wind magic which is his magic affinity. Even at weekends he still continue to train, this routine continue until he is seven years old.

In this world there are various guild such as Mage Guild, Sword Guild and many more but, there is one guild that stand out among the rest. This guild is created by The Hero more than thousands years ago, even until now it is still standing and remain neutral.

The Adventurer Guild it is scatter in the world, people come here to register and take quests in exchange for money. It is divided by rank from F to S, S-Rank is the highest while F-Rank is the lowest but, at seven years old you can register as G-Rank the quest you can only consist of miscellaneous task. You will stay at G-Rank until you become adult which is at 15 years old, where you become official adventurer and rank up to F-Rank.

Logan registered as an adventurer to earn money and save it to buy his own sword. Although his family is well off, he now have two little brother, a 4 year younger and a new born baby. He didn't have a will to ask his parents to buy him a sword because he thinks it's a very selfish thing.

After starting doing miscellaneous quest in the morning he will train until noon, he will stop and go home for lunch. After resting for a bit he will continue to train until before dawn and will go to his mother for magic lesson. Because his talent for magic is average he needs to train harder than when he is training with his sword. This continue until he is 12 yrs old, at 12 yrs old he headed to capital for academy which required for all of teens at this age, no matter what their status.

Equip with his worn-out iron sword he bought with his own money at the age of 10. He bought this sword because, he sometimes encounter a wild animals when he is doing a gathering herbs quest. He didn't even bother to get it repaired because, he wanted to buy a better when he arrived at capital for academy.

Logan leave his village without any trouble beside a few wild animals he encounter on the road to next town. When he arrived at town he immediately looked for merchant going to the capital, and ask the merchant to let him accompany as a free bodyguard in exchange for transportation.

The merchant shoo Logan saying that he is just a child and didn't look strong at all, the surrounding adventurer laugh at Logan. Logan obviously know that he didn't look strong because of his petite appearance so, he showed his Swordsmanship Lv. 6. When the merchant and the surrounding adventurer see that all of them shut their mouth, and the merchant accepted him.

While travelling they often encounter wild animals, low-level monsters, and few bandits, then Logan realize that outside world is very dangerous. When travelling on foot you need to stay vigilance 24/7, he is thankful to adventurers accompanying the merchant. The party of adventurer apologize to him when they exit the town, Logan said he don't mind it because he really does look weak.

A party consist of 1 vanguard, 2 pincer and 2 support. A shield-bearer, a swordsman, a ax-wielder, an archer, and a mage. They are a veteran adventurer with 8 years experience of escorting merchants and nobles.

The party of adventurer called Gallant party under the Escort clan. The party leader a almost 2 meter bald man with a very muscular build, called Brad he is a Level 61 Shield bearer and C-rank adventurer. Logan ask Brad about Clan because it's the first time hearing it.

Bard explained about Clans. Clan system was proposed by Coven Rabbi a scholar, he noticed a certain behaviors of adventurers, which is distrust towards each other.

First, whenever adventurers form a temporary party for a certain quest or entering a dungeon. They always doubt each other, thinking someone might have an ill intention among them. As a result they can't bring their full power because of vigilance towards to their party member.

Second, it's about the distribution of rewards and loots from their quest or raid. The most common and fair distribution of spoils is contribution. When one of the party member see some have more share than him but, feels like he done more contribution than the other he will complain which will turn into a disagreement into a argument and finally into a fight. This is the biggest headache of the Guild.

There are still small issue such as snatching quest, higher level intimidating beginners, and a few more. But, the first two is a very serious issue, so Coven Rabbi spend a lot of time to fix these problems. The answer he came upon is a creation of organization but, calling it organization sound so lame and plain thus he name it Clan which is much more pleasing.

Coven Rabbi then present the Clan System to Adventurer Guild. When Coven Rabbi present the System it only has 4 content.

First, anyone can create and join a clan as long as it met the requirements. In order to create a clan you need to fill the requirement. Here are the requirements :

  1. Name of the Clan you wish to create.
  2. The Symbol/Logo of the Clan you wish to create.
  3. The purpose of the Clan you wish to create.
  4. The Goal of the Clan you wish to create.
  5. The location of headquarter of the Clan you wish to create.

And the requirements to join a Clan, it depends on the Clan you want to join.

Second, a Clan required to have a recording crystal, only among clan members can form a party. If a clan member want to invite someone outside the clan into a party, they need to put a request first and wait for approval. This is to avoid the disagreement within the party.

A party going to raid a dungeon or do a big quest, are required to bring a recording crystal with them. Holding the crystal and inject a mana it can record anything in front of crystal also, it can serve as a GPS just in case a party didn't return. In case there's a disagreement between the distribution of spoils, a representative will watch the recording and will judge if the distribution is fair.

Third, all clan members are required to sell 50% of the material they got from clan quest and dungeon raid at 5% lower than the market price to the Clan. If a clan member got a rare material/resource he can sell it to Clan 5% higher than the market price. Then the managers of clan will sell it to adventurer at market price or to merchants and nobles at higher price. This is needed because clan need funds and resources to operate.

Clan can also recruit or hire lifestyle profession such as, blacksmith, tailor, alchemist, and any similar job. You can request a lifestyle professions from your clan to processes your materials to make equipment and potions or any necessary thing for adventurers.

Fourth, if a costumer want to put a quest on a certain clan, his request need to get evaluated by Adventurer Guild first to confirm if that Clan has a capability to complete the quest. This can prevent the adventurer from overestimate their capabilities and end up failing the quest or dying in the process.

Also, Clans can't accept a direct request from a customer, if they are found out their licensee to operate a Clan will be revoked, the said Clan also need to surrender 50% of their treasury to Adventurer Guild. This to prevent the Clan from taking any shady business.

When the Leaders of Adventurer Guild see the proposal they accept it without any hesitation as this will lessen the burden on the Guild and adventurer will become more organize. This will also increase the teamwork of adventurers and increase their over all performance as there will be a hidden competition among clans.

Logan was amazed how convenient this clan system.

After a month and a half of traveling Logan and His companion arrived at the capital without any major thing happened aside from low level monster and few bandits.

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