Friday, October 4, 2019

R:WCaGKaG - Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1 : Yasashii Kuroyama and The God

In a hospital room, a young man lying on a bed. The young man looks lifeless, beside him is 5 people, 2 man and 3 woman. All of them are crying, the young man looked at them and says.
"Don't worry Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, and Big Sister. I'm happy that, I'm finally going to have a peace." After saying that the young man closed his eyes, smiled and breathed his last breath. The people inside the room burst into louder cry.


Finally I'm able to find peace after my death. I look around my surroundings, I can only see darkness.
"So this is what death... So quite and peaceful." I continue to look around, after a while a small light came into my view. I move towards the light, when I arrived at the light, I saw a human shaped light.

"Hello, is this the after world?" I spoke to the human light. That's what I called him for now, because I don't know what kind of entity he is.

"Yasashii Kuroyama 19 yrs old, died of heart disease."

OH! It spoke and he know me, I increased my vigilance.

"Who.. No, What are you? Why do you know my name and my cause of death? And where is this?"

"Yasashii Kuroyama you shouldn't have died at young age. This is the void, a rift between worlds. I'm what you human call God, the one administrating the world before your death."

GOD!! God you say?! I was surprised, I didn't expect that I would meet the thing that I want to meet the most.  Many memories flash through my mind.


Most of the children would become conscious of their surrounding by the average of 2 yrs old. Before the age of 1 yrs old I am already conscious of my surroundings, I already can read a words, and I can already walk without staggering.

I was treated as a genius, my family, relatives, and my neighbors are very fond of me and that is also the first time I heard the word God. From my memory all of them are saying I am blessed by god.
Of course at that time I was very happy because someone so grand blessed me.

It was summer when and currently I am 5 yrs old, I am experiencing a very high fever for the first time and my heart is palpitating very fast. My parents become very worried and bought me to hospital. The doctors run a check-up on me and discovered that I have a very rare heart disease, it currently don't have a cure but trough medication my disease can be slowed down. Doctor told my parents I can only live until 19 yrs old.

Doctor says that I should moderate my physical activities and advice my parents to let me only eat healthy foods. When I heard those word at that time, I become very worried. Because I won't be able to eat junk foods as snack with my friends after playing. I will become alone that's what I'm thinking at that time. After I got discharged at hospital I just stayed in my house reading books until the next school year.

New school, new school year, new class mates, and another chance to make friends. At first I don't want to attend the school because, I was worried that no one would want to become my friends because of my illness. But.... all of that are just unnecessary worries because...

When I started attending elementary school I've made many friends in my class. I'm helping them whenever they don't understand something in the class, they would ask me instead of our teacher.
Whenever someone forgot their homework, they would ask me to let them copy my homework, I happily lend them my homework.

We even play at park after the school. I didn't even imagine in the least bit that all of my friend approach me because someone told them to do so, because they are just kids and just want to play.

It was summer again, me and my friends are playing in the park. Then I suddenly collapsed while playing with my friends. After I woke up, I am already lying on bed, I felt very weak,and then I noticed there's a noise at the door. I tried to move but couldn't, so I just focus my hearing towards the door.

I heard three voice of women apologizing, then I heard the voice of my uncle.

My family is just a normal family, my father is a salary man and my mother is just a housewife. My Mother came from a political family she is one and only girl in their family. Mom's father want her to marry to someone she didn't love for political reason, so she ran away from home. Then she met father and they fall in love with each other and decided to get marry and have a family on their own.

My Uncle love my mother so much so he search and search for her, according to him. But for me he is just a sis-con. And then last  year he finally found her, he found her through a my picture at internet taken when I rank 1 at national mock test for elementary with almost score.

My Uncle didn't tell his family that he found my mother, because he's worried what my grandfather would do to my family. My Uncle is very good person he dotes on us siblings, and when he learned about my illness he proposed to my mother to bring me to America for better hospital and might be able to cure me. At that time I refused, my reason being not be able to see my family and for me at that time is a very scary thing.

After the voices died down my three friends I was playing earlier came to the room together with their mother and my uncle. The six of them bow their heads and keep apologizing, it seems my friends are blaming themselves from what happened to. I tried to speak the only words that came out is 'no' and I can only shake my head. They didn't stay for long and gone home not long after.

I stayed at the hospital for a week before I got discharged again. I stayed at home for 3 days before going to school again. The me at that time seems afraid to go to school thinking that his friends, because of him their parents might have scolded them. Because I collapsed while playing with them. my uncle my blame them.

At school, at surface nothing seems change they are still talking and friendly with me, but the me at that time notice the change in their eye, their eyes have fear, pity, and sympathy whenever they look and talk to me. After that I didn't go to school anymore because I don't want to see the look in their eyes anymore.

Day after day I shut myself in my room, my mother would knock and ask me to come out from time to time. After a week of shutting myself in, I came out of my room and see my mother kneeling and talking in front of mini altar while crying, asking The God why I am suffering from something like these and something like that. My mom asking The God why give made me a genius but have a short life.

I approach my crying mother and asked her why she is crying. My mother answer me by shaking her head and told me it's nothing. I believed my mother at that time, then I asked her 'what should I do?'
my mom replied with a question 'what do you mean by 'what you should do?''' I told my mother what I experienced at school about the look in the eyes of my classmate, how I don't like them looking at me like that.

My mom asked me if I want to transfer to another school. I nodded at my mother then, I told her that I don't want my intelligence anymore, I just want to become so that I can have a normal life with having fun with friends and more importantly I don't want to see my mother crying. My mother asks me why, I told her that I heard her talking to altar about my intelligence and heart disease.

My mom hug me then cried again, I also cried. My mom told me while crying that she would pray to god everyday for my illness to be cured. I asked her why would she asked someone she didn't know. My mom said because god is merciful and almighty, after crying for a while I go back to my room again.

At my room I searched at the internet about god. I encountered many things about god, from Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Japanese mythology, and many more myths about god. Then I encountered the most famous religion in the earth, which is Christian Catholic.

The God created the world in seven days that's why there's seven days on earth. Before making human live at the world he created, he first experimented with Adan and Eve, he let them live in his Garden of Eden and gave them one simple rule which is don't eat the forbidden fruit. But the couple broke the rule and ate the fruit because of enticement of the snake. 'How come someone so mighty like god let a single snake intrude his garden, isn't that stupid?' that's what I thought that time. Because I've read so many book about God mythology that's the most stupid thing I read about god.

The more I read about this god, the more I feel like it's ridiculous. The most ridiculous thing the most is that people actually believe this god is almighty and merciful, the miracles he did and the thing about his son Jesus Christ, which is he just let him died in the hands of humans that he created. The reason I feel that this is ridiculous because it actually happened in the past according to records.

After reading so many books about gods, I came to conclusion that they are just stupid creatures. They created human that have ability to reason to worship and praise them, unlike animals that moved by instinct. But humans who have ability to reason rebel against the gods and led them to their demise. Hahahahaha aren't they just stupid creatures creating something for their self-satisfaction, but when they are not able to control humans anymore they call it 'the most sinned thing' in the world isn't that laughable.

While reading books I didn't notice that new semester is already started, and my new school had already been decided. At my new school I didn't bother to make friends I just read books, books, and more books on peace. I thought my peace would continue until I die, but.

My Father was suddenly laid-off from his company, when I was in 3rd grade. My uncle told my mother that my grandfather discover her and father was laid-off as a revenge. What petty grandfather.

One night, I overheard my parents that there's only 1 million left in the saving but my father still couldn't find a new job, and worried about money and it seems that my grandfather is pressuring him from shadow. I approach my father and told him to give me half of the savings. My father asked me why, I told him about the stock market and I will invest the money in it. My father told me it's a dangerous move but, I told him to trust me, and reminded him that his son is a genius. I convince my father until he gave up and give me half of the savings.

I studied about stock market and businessmen, and I bought stock of a small company which releases games online. And bit by bit my money increases then bought stock again on different gaming company. My father asked me why I only invest on gaming company, I told him that gaming company only gain but not lost anything. Because games are always a trend, if the company felt that the game is losing popularity they would just create an event or improve the game itself. And most importantly it doesn't cost anything only manpower.

AN: Perfect example is the company of League of Angles. Although it's only a browser game it's so famous, even though it's a pay to win game. When it lost it's popularity the same company created League of Angles II.

After graduating from middle school, I decided not to attend high school because the companies I bought stocks from increased and I already got no time for school. Instead of going to school I created a shipping company focused on shipping gaming device and related stuff.

I was 17 yrs old, my company now is in top 100 in the nation, when a famous magazine contact me to do an interview for them. At first I don't want to accept it but, when I think about it I can use the interview to shame my petty grandfather for what he did for my father, so I accepted it.

When the magazine was release it become trending but, I don't like the title 'The God Given Talent of Yasashii Kuroyama'. I don't like it in a least bit then I read the content it emphasizing my talent not my hard work. The content is praising my talent given by the god, they didn't even include how much hard work and sacrifices I put in order to be successful at business.

In the first place I don't like gods, I hate them. Because they created humans but, condemned humans as sinners. Then what humans means to them? Their plaything? Entertainment? When humans don't pray to them, praise them, worship them, and become independent gods become enrage. Gods have rights to hate humans but humans have no rights to hate gods, isn't it stupidity?

Whenever there's a gathering in the company that i bought stocks I always hear people saying 'God gave you a great talent but gave you an incurable disease' something along those lines. And I became fed up on the word 'god' they are all f**king retards thinking their success is work of god with hard work as a support.

After the trending magazine many TV station tried to contact me for interview but, I rejected them all. I don't feel satisfied about the magazine so, I hired a private investigator to investigate my petty grandfather. Not long after my private investigator found something dark from my grandfather so, I gave it to one of the famous TV station.

I've seen the fall of my grandfather at TV, his face look dark and I felt very pleased at the bottom at my heart.

At 18 yrs old my illness become stronger and I couldn't handle the work so, I gave my company to my little brother while supporting and giving him advises.

I spend all of my days in hospital until I died.


"Are you done recalling your memories?"

"Is this your doing? Did you make me recall those memories?' I asked The God in a displeased tone.

"That's right because some of them might be erased while you are reincarnating."

"Reincarnate, why?"

"Before I answer your question allow me to explain something to you, can you lend me your ear?"

The voice of this god is so flat without any emotion it's creeping me out but, I still nodded to him.

"Do you believe in alternate world?'' Alternate world? I read an article about this, Researchers led by Stephen Hawking and their theories about multiverse. Whether I believe or not I don't know until I see it at my own eyes. "I can't answer you."

"Alternate world exist, Your world is just of the many world out there but there are very few world that is like yours where science and technology is dominant. You have a very strong soul ever since you were born, that's the reason you have a very intelligent brain."
"When you were born we gods was surprised to see how strong your soul is but, so we decided to send you the moment you died. I am very shock that you died so early, you should've live much longer because of your soul. It seems that one of the god play a little on your fate to hasten your death."

I am confuse, what this god is saying, I don't understand about my life span. So I asked him
"Wait! What do you mean by my life span would've much longer?"

"It is exactly what I said, one of the god placed an incurable disease on you to hasten your death."

"What did you say?!" I shouted in anger. WTF?! are gods playing with me?!
"Why did that guy need to hasten my death?!"

"I don't know the reason but, as I said earlier your soul is very strong and we need it in our experiment. In order to create a link between your world to a different world. We need to do that because your world is experiencing rapid growth of human births which is bad for environment."

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" I let out a maniacal laugh, to think that a god would kill me for an experiment! "What a joke I don't care about the increase of human birth and destruction of environment by the time it happens my family and me are already dead."
"Then why don't you create a war, it will cut the counts of human by margin. Why do you even need a to connect the earth to another? You guys can even give me an illness then why don't you guys spread disease to earth, huh? Oh wait you already did spread so many unknown disease to earth but, we humans defeated them and win right? HAHAHAHAHA."
"In the end you 'GOD' always lost against humans, the thing you created. HAHAHAHA"
I couldn't hold my laughter, and laugh without holding back.

"Calm yourself Yasashii Kuroyama, although I'm one of the gods, I'm only responsible for reincarnation. I don't know the affairs of the creators even though, I don't know what the creators are doing to you humans as one of the gods, I can't ignore you slandering the gods without any evidence."

"Then answer me why do you need to connect earth to another world?" Even though I hated them more than ever because of what he said, I calm myself down a bit thinking that my words didn't have evidence.

"It's because there's so much excess soul in earth and we need to send them to another world. Coincidentally there is a world that war is ongoing for more than thousand years."

"What? I don't understand what you are saying. If that world have war ongoing then the dweller of that world is experiencing a much more death rate than earth. Earth is peaceful and the death rate is much more lower, why is there a need to connect earth to this world?"

"Do you know the cycle of life?" What the heck is this guy? Answering my question with question and his flat tone still doesn't change even when I expressed my anger, It's creeping me.

"The cycle of life, the soul of the dead living being will reincarnate into another living being. That's what I believe from many books I've read." Well that is more believable than going to heaven and have an eternal life.

"That's right, living being to living being. The reason why the birth rate of earth is so high because of humans excessive amount killing of animals and the souls of animals stored in reincarnation chamber. We reincarnation gods have no choice but to combine the soul of animals to create human soul and increase the birth rate of humans and live stock animals."
"Earth's death rate is almost 60 million a year it's already big but, the birth rate is more than 130 million a year, it's more than double of death rate."

"Then aren't you guys are at fault here? Then you guys are going to use me to fix your problem, am I right?" I'm so pissed! It's them who created the humans but, they can't control them. In the end what we humans to them? their plaything? AH! I don't care anymore.

"You are right, indeed its our fault. That is right, we tried to send souls many time and all of them failed because the soul is weak and can't break the wall. But your soul is so strong that you can even converse to me like this, usually souls can't talk and you are only one that can do that."

"Hahahaha aren't you pitiful? What if I refused to break the wall?" Although I said they're pitiful my anger inside me still increasing the more I listen to this guy.

"No you can't refuse because you are in your soul form, I can control you. And I need to send you now because your negative emotion is swelling inside you and black spots are leaking out of your body. Shut up for a moment."

After saying that, this guys did something to me and I glowed more vigorously, then I can either control myself or talk any more. I can only shout in my thoughts
What the f**k?! Are you kidding me?! Then if you can control me why did you bother to talk to me?! To play with me?! Don't f**k with me!!

This guy dragged me somewhere then stopped after a while and did something then I lost my consciousness.

I woke up staring in the sky. I tried to talk but, I can only let out a cry sound.

'I swear to my soul, I will become a god and kill all of them!"

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